10 Sept 2013

Living Low Carb - Low Carb Chocolate Cake

Low Carb Chocolate Cake - 12 portions


- 3-4 eggs
- 100g Cooking Chocolate - Sugar Free - With Polyhols ( Chocolate Culinária Sem açucar - Com Polióis) 
- 50g Coco or almond Flower (Farinha de Coco ou Amendoa)
- Vanilla Essence ( Essencia de Baunilha) 1 small spoon
- Stevia ( adoçante líquido) - 2 - 3 spoons
- Non Salty Butter (manteiga/margarina sem sal) - 100g

-  Greek Yogurt / Creme  Fraiche / Mascarpone ( 2-3 large spoons) 
- Soy mil ( 100mL)

1- mix the egg yellows with the stevia/sweetener and the vanilla and the Greek (or any other option) 
2- in a separate bowl melt the choc with the butter (and the milk if you want to)

 Mix 1+2 ! 

- Grow the Egg Whites until hard and fluffy clouds!
- Add the flower and the Egg whites

- Whisk it all together.

Put it in a rectangular recipient that is fit for microwave with baking sheet on the bottom and bake it for 5mins in maximum potency. 

Low Carb Diet - Atkins 

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