19 Dec 2014

xmas Gift Ideas for Smokers - NEwhere

Hello lovelies! How are you today? I have been asked a couple times now about those new  electronic cigarettes and since there is one active smoker in my household (not me, mum!) I have always been curious about them.

Since it is almost Christmas I thought it would be an interesting gift idea for you or your smoker friends and a good timing for those with new year resolutions!  
Benefits for us girls!

One amazing thing you can tell yourself or your nail friends, to give him a (or yourself) a positive incentive is that you will no longer have yellow nails or fingertips with this cigarettes! This is a super positive point and you will have better-looking nails!  The other obvious positive point is the improvement of your general health! That is a great gift if you ask me!

But what is an electronic cigarette? It is a device that you can purchase that will mimic the cigar effect but instead of smoking nicotine, you will be smoking flavored water vapors. How cool? I did a search and I found this American based company with pretty good costumer reviews. The company is called NEwhere Electronic Cigarettes  and they offer you the product, the how to about the device and how you should use it.
I also found this article in LA Times (http://goo.gl/oH0G7N) about this brand. In the article you can read that nowadays more teens (and adults too) are changing their smoking habits from conventional cigarettes to electronic ones. Pretty interesting read.

On the New Where website I gave you can also find pretty sweet deals to save some money on Disposable E Cigs and you even get to be prettier and healthier with perfect white nails!   They also have free shipping, that is always a plus! 

 I’m pretty sure that they have great deals all year around, it is just a matter of keeping your eyes on the site. 

Another thing I found pretty cool was their packaging and the whole layout of the product. You can see below a picture of the several flavours. I’m not a smoker myself and I’m curious.  I’m rather curious about the banana and strawberry one! What about you?


If you want to go ahed and buy one of this I also have a Cupon Code for you. Just enter NE25 at checkout for 25% OFF+ FreeShipping !

If you are a smoker of if you have a loved one, try this one and let me know what your thoughts were!

Happy and healthy holidays girls!

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