I'm so happy to be back with another Indie Brand !
Today I'm presenting you Anastasia, the maker of Lac Attack Polishes!
Olá meninas & Meninos !!
Estou super feliz por hoje vos trazer mais uma marca Indie !Hoje Apresento-vos a criadora dos Lac Attack, a Anastasia !
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For those who don't know what I am talking about (Follow me through Facebook to know a lot more!) I am making an Indie Guide A-Z! This will be a huge project and a enormous pleasure to do! So .. what am I going to do? Everyday, I'm going to show you a different brand of Indie Nail Polishes (and some of their major stockists too!! )
Para quem não sabe do que eu estou a falar ( basta seguirem-me também no Facebook para saberem as novidades em primeira mão ) estou a fazer um Guia de Vernizes Indie. Este é um projecto enorme e muito trabalhoso que tenho imenso prazer de partilhar convosco! Então, o que é que vou fazer? Todos os dias, vou-vos mostrar uma marca diferente de vernizes indies com entrevistas com as meninas ( e meninos) que os fazem! Além disso, tambem vos vou trazer entrevistas com as maiores lojas onde eles se vendem!
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Is there a special polish/collection? Why? All of my polishes are extremely special to me, as they are the result of my own hard work. I must say though, I do love Jewel of the Nile and the new Harry Potter collection. I think those colors are the most representative of my personality.
Can you tell us a curious thing that has happened to you with some client or something funny? Probably, I mean I find things hilarious all the time, even when they aren’t...but nothing crazy has happened. I do love that I have made some wonderful friends in the nail polish community that I never would have met otherwise, and I can’t imagine life without them now. Also, sometimes I make myself laugh out loud thinking of possible polish names.
This is a gorgeous heavy shimmer polish in a light pink base. Its filled with small holographic glitter and small hexagonal holo glitters. Applied 2 coats over Purple Professional Pink nr.3. Dries fast and the brush is soft.
Another unusual and curious polish! Quite pretty and discrete! It is a clear based top coat filled with micro matte glitters in orange, pink and green. Applied two coats over black n.º18 from Puple Professional.
Mais um verniz bastante fora do vulgar. É bastante bonito e discreto. Consiste em glitters matte coloridos em verde, laranja e rosa numa base transparente. Duas camadas aplicadas sobre o preto n.º18 da Purple Professional.
Now the king! I LOVE this one! Its just so simple and perfect! Its just shredded white glitter in a transparent base and that's it!
Two coats over Kinetics Black Silk! Dries super fast!
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Personal Notes from Betty:

Your Name: Anastasia
Brand Name: Lac Attack
Where are you from? USA
Is there a story behind the name of your brand? My marketing director (aka my dad) and I sat down one day to figure out a name for the brand. I wanted something catchy yet strong - not overly girly. After a few rounds of discussions (him yelling out ridiculous suggestions), we settled on Lac Attack.
How many polishes/collections have you created? To this date I've released 4 major collections and a few other individual polishes.

Where you a polish addicted before starting making polishes? Yes, though they slightly overlapped. My new addiction in the winter of 2011 was what prompted me to make polishes for myself, and eventually for everyone else.
Did you have a blog before making polishes or have you started one after? I started a nail blog, which lasted a few posts before I gave up on it. My nails weren't long enough and I didn't know how to take proper pictures. Since Lac Attack, I started a blog dedicated to showcasing collections, announcements, and other random tidbits of info.
Whats your favorite thing about making polishes? Well, my favorite AND least favorite thing has to be the glitter. I was never into sparkles, but I love it! Until I sneeze or spill and it gets everywhere. I've found polish in my hair days after a creation session...oh dear! I also love sitting down to make stock, or create new colors, and just getting lost in the process for hours. It's become quite therapeutic for me.

Is there anything you'd Like to share: Thank you to everyone who has supported me as I've grown as an indie maker, and to any new followers. I am truly grateful to have such a unique opportunity to share something I've created with so many wonderful people.
Belissimo glitter cor de rosa repleto de shimmer sobre uma base rosada semi transparente. Está repleto de micro glitter holográfico e alguns pequenos glitter hexagonais holo. Duas camadas sobre o Purple Professional rosa nr.3. Secou bastante rápido e o pincel macio.
Particle Man
A unique glitter top coat filled with green, blue and pink small round glitters and a few bigger blue and white hexagonal glitters. Medium pigmentation as it an be applied alone or as a TC. I rather see it as tc. Looks great over black. Two coats for this outcome. The glitters spread easily and evenly. Doesn't take to long to dry.
Um glitter unico que pode ser usado sozinho ou como top coat. Pessoalmente prefiro em TC e sobre uma cor escura. Apliquei-o sobre preto para realçar o contraste. É composto por pequenos glitters redondos em tons de verde, rosa e azul. Contém em menor quantidade hexagonos médios em azul e branco. Aplicação fácil, os glitters estão bem distribuidos e o pincel é macio. Não demora muito a secar.
Vegas Skies
Mais um verniz bastante fora do vulgar. É bastante bonito e discreto. Consiste em glitters matte coloridos em verde, laranja e rosa numa base transparente. Duas camadas aplicadas sobre o preto n.º18 da Purple Professional.
Fractured glass
Two coats over Kinetics Black Silk! Dries super fast!
Agora o Rei! Eu AMEI este verniz. É super simples e perfeito! Apenas glitter branco em estilhaços numa base transparent e é só isso! Simples e lindo! Aplica-se bastante bem e seca rápido. Duas camadas de Fractured Glass sobre o Kinetics Black Silk.
Combo Vegas Skies + Fractured Glass over PIX! pink.
2 coats PIX! Pink
2 coats vegas skies
2 coats fractured glass
Website: www.lacattack.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/lacattacknail
Store: www.lacattack.com or www.lac-attack.goodsie.com
Stockists: none yet!
Other Media: Twitter @thelacattack, Pinterest http://pinterest.com/thelacattack/
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Personal Notes from Betty:
Thank you so much Anastasia, for your support, patience and prompt availability to join this project! If you girls haven't checked her pages yet, please go and do see all the beautiful creations!
Once again I show my total support for Indie Makers and my full respect for their work.
I will not translate the interviews because words and meanings get lost in translation. I hope you understand. Please pm me or comment bellow if you have any doubts.
If you are an Indie Maker and wont to participate in the project, please contact me through Facebook or email (blog.bettynails@gmail.com). You are still in time!
Don't Forget to come tomorrow !
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I hope you loved today's Post!
What was your favorite part? Let me know all in the comment section bellow!
Please do comment, follow and share if you liked, your feedback is very important to me and to all the girls that invested in this project!
Kisses & See you tomorrow !
Qual foi a vossa parte preferida? Contem-me tudo nos comentários abaixo! Se gostaram por favor comentem, sigam e partilhem! O vosso feedback é muito muito importante, não só para mim como para todas as pessoas que se envolveram no projecto.
Beijocas e Até amanha!!

*This is a post for the Guide A-Z :Indie Brands*
You can find all the info in the Guide A-Z Indie Brands Page,on the top of the Blog, or check the Indie Guide Tag.
*pictures taken from Lac Attack Facebook Page with Anastasia's Permission*
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