I'm so happy to be back with another Indie Brand !
Today I'm presenting you Amy, from Badass Polish !! !!
Olá meninas & Meninos !!
Estou super feliz por hoje vos trazer mais uma marca Indie !Hoje Apresento-vos a Amy, a criadora dos Bad Ass Polishes !!!!
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For those who don't know what I am talking about (Follow me through Facebook to know a lot more!) I am making an Indie Guide A-Z! This will be a huge project and a enormous pleasure to do! So .. what am I going to do? Everyday, I'm going to show you a different brand of Indie Nail Polishes (and some of their major stockists too!! )
Para quem não sabe do que eu estou a falar ( basta seguirem-me também no Facebook para saberem as novidades em primeira mão ) estou a fazer um Guia de Vernizes Indie. Este é um projecto enorme e muito trabalhoso que tenho imenso prazer de partilhar convosco! Então, o que é que vou fazer? Todos os dias, vou-vos mostrar uma marca diferente de vernizes indies com entrevistas com as meninas ( e meninos) que os fazem! Além disso, tambem vos vou trazer entrevistas com as maiores lojas onde eles se vendem!
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Is there a story behind the name of your brand? I knew when I was thinking of my brand that I wanted to do sports team inspired polishes. When coming up with a name, my husband suggested BadAss. It seemed to fit so well with what I wanted to do. Like someone coming up to you and saying, "your nails are badass!"
How many polishes/collections have you created? I only have 5 polishes available at this time. Three of them are from the "Are You Ready for Some Football" collection and two are what I would consider core. I plan on having more NFL inspired polishes next season. I had to start somewhere and I picked my own home team which is the Green Bay Packers along with Dallas Cowboys since I thought it would be fun to do stars, and lastly Minnesota Vikings as I like the colors.
Is there a special polish/collection? Why? I would have to say that the two core polishes are more special to me. I adore "Dusk" so much! I was inspired by a clear night where the stars are out and this represents that perfectly to me.
Where you a polish addicted before starting making polishes? Absolutely! I have been into nail polish for a few years now.
Whats your favorite thing about making polishes? I just love the creative outlet of it all! It's so awesome seeing your vision come to life when creating a polish!
Personal Notes from Betty:

Brand Name: BadAss Polish
Where are you from? I live in Waukesha which is a suburb of Milwaukee, Wisconsin. I've lived in Wisconsin my whole life.
When have you started? I've been working on my brand since summer of 2012. I put a lot of time and thought into things and I didn't rush to get my nail polish out as I wanted to ensure I was putting out a quality product. I opened my shop in the beginning of December, 2012.

Did you have a blog before making polishes or have you started one after? I did! I haven't been on there much recently as I have just haven't had time but I still hope to get on the blog periodically. My blog is http://polishandsuch.blogspot.com/

Can you tell us a curious thing that has happened to you with some client or something funny? I bartend as one of my jobs and I had sold a couple of bottles of nail polish to one of my fellow bartenders. She was showing another one of our other co-workers the bottle and he had not seen the label...he said, and I kid you not, "wow, that's badass!" He then turned the bottle and saw that was the name of my brand. It just made me that much more happy with the name of my brand!
Is there anything you'd Like to share: I only have five polishes in my shop right now but I plan on releasing five more either end of January or beginning of February. We are also hoping to get a few MLB inspired polishes so I'd love for you to stop by our Facebook and tell me what team or teams you'd like to see.
Website: www.badasspolish.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/BadAssPolish
Stockists: NA
Other Midia: NA
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Thank you so much Amy for all your support to the Indie Guide Project! It was an honor to know you!
Once again I show my total support for Indie Makers and my full respect for their work.
I will not translate the interviews because words and meanings get lost in translation. I hope you understand. Please pm me or comment bellow if you have any doubts.
If you are an Indie Maker and wont to participate in the project, please contact me through Facebook or email (blog.bettynails@gmail.com). You are still in time!
Don't Forget to come tomorrow !
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I hope you loved today's Post!
What was your favorite part? Let me know all in the comment section bellow!
Please do comment, follow and share if you liked, your feedback is very important to me and to all the girls that invested in this project!
Kisses & See you tomorrow !
Contem-me tudo nos comentários abaixo! Se gostaram por favor comentem, sigam e partilhem!
O vosso feedback é muito muito importante, não só para mim como para todas as pessoas que se envolveram no projecto.
Beijocas e Até amanha!!

*This is a post for the Guide A-Z :Indie Brands*
You can find all the info in the Guide A-Z Indie Brands Page,on the top of the Blog, or check the Indie Guide Tag.
*pictures taken from Bad Ass Facebook Page with Amy's Permission*
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