I'm so happy to be back with another Indie Brand !
Im soooooooooooo happy to be presenting you today Barbra, fom I Love Nail Polish !! !!
Olá meninas & Meninos !!
Estou super feliz por hoje vos apresentrar a Barbra! A criadora dos I Love Nail Polish! *drools** * *
For those who don't know what I am talking about (Follow me through Facebook to know a lot more!) I am making an Indie Guide A-Z!
This will be a huge project and a enormous pleasure to do! So .. what am I going to do? Everyday, I'm going to show you a different brand of Indie Nail Polishes (and some of their major stockists too!! )
Para quem não sabe do que eu estou a falar ( basta seguirem-me também no Facebook para saberem as novidades em primeira mão ) estou a fazer um Guia de Vernizes Indie.
Este é um projecto enorme e muito trabalhoso que tenho imenso prazer de partilhar convosco!
Então, o que é que vou fazer? Todos os dias, vou-vos mostrar uma marca diferente de vernizes indies com entrevistas com as meninas ( e meninos) que os fazem! Além disso, tambem vos vou trazer entrevistas com as maiores lojas onde eles se vendem!
Então, o que é que vou fazer? Todos os dias, vou-vos mostrar uma marca diferente de vernizes indies com entrevistas com as meninas ( e meninos) que os fazem! Além disso, tambem vos vou trazer entrevistas com as maiores lojas onde eles se vendem!
* * *
first real glitter bombs were OPI Mad as A Hatter and Absolutely Alice. My
boyfriend surprised me with an online order J
O verniz é composto por imensos glitters pequenos e medios em tons de azul, verde e turquesa sobre uma base transparente. Lindissimo. Duas camadas de glitter para este resultado. Aplicação simples, secagem rápida. Aplicado sobre o purple profissional nr.13.
Personal Notes from Betty:
You can find all the info in the Guide A-Z Indie Brands Page,on the top of the Blog, or check the Indie Guide Tag.
Your Name
Brand Name
Love Nail Polish
Where are you from?
from San Francisco but I have currently been living in Las Vegas with my
boyfriend and our two cats for the last 9 years!
When have you started?
opened my Etsy store on August 22 2012!
originally started a Facebook page sharing swatches that I found online that I
thought were cute. I named the page I Love Nail Polish.
a while I started noticing more and more indie polish reviews on popular nail
blogs and I thought it would be so fun to try to make my own nail polish. I
read a little bit about the process and figured I’d just name the brand I Love
Nail Polish. It works for me!!
How many polishes/collections have you
Is there a special polish/collection? Why?
probably sounds lame, but I love them all! I am partial to “Goldie Boo…Boo!” and
“Babes in Toyland” though. I felt like I knew they were going to be a hit. They
felt good to me, so I knew they would feel good to everyone else!
Were you a polish addict before starting
making polishes?
I love color and nail polish was just that – color! My addiction started with basic
reds and pinks. OPI Charged Up Cherry was a big time favorite. Other favorites
like China Glaze’s For Audrey, Re-Fresh Mint, Grape Pop, Lemon Fizz, and Secret
Peri-Wink-le just kept the addiction going!
Did you have a blog before making polishes or
have you started one after?
had a personal blog that I didn’t update much called “BartTart.” It was
basically about fashion, food, and other randomness. Once I opened the store, I
changed the name of my blog to I Love Nail Polish and plan to focus more on
nail polish related things.
What’s your favorite thing about making
customers! To see how appreciative they are and to see them react exactly how I
feel when I make each one, makes it all worth it!
second favorite thing is coming up with the color combos. I really feel that
color has an effect on moods. I won’t pass one off until I am completely in
love with it. I go through tons of trial and errors (I’ve junked hundreds of
bottles) until I feel something is just right. If I feel it’s missing a finer
glitter, needs a softer or bolder color, or even if the amount of glitter makes
the application suck… I’ll start over. It all has to be perfect. That way when
someone wears it, it makes them feel good, satisfied with their purchase, and…
just happy
Can you tell us a curious thing that has
happened to you with some client or something funny?
in particular, everyone has been awesome! I’m seriously in love with the indie
polish community. The whole scene is just so supportive and it’s so awesome to
be able to communicate with them 1 on 1 – even if it’s just through little
notes on Etsy or a Facebook post.
Is there anything you'd like to share:
big thanks to everyone for all of the support and kind words. Stay tuned!! I
have lots of new goodies to come! J
^^Swatches ^^
Fully Turqued
This.Polish.Is.Amazing (Go Buy It!! ).
Okey,. now.. about the polish.. this is a glitter mixture in a clear base. Its a mixture of black & white hexagons, circles and bar with turquoise squares! I love it so much for its simplicity and yet originality! Its just stunning! This pictures have only ONE coat each of Fully Turqued over Purple Professional nr13.
Dried super fast, glitter spreads evenly. Pictures without TC.
This.Polish.Is.Amazing (Go Buy It!! ).
Okey,. now.. about the polish.. this is a glitter mixture in a clear base. Its a mixture of black & white hexagons, circles and bar with turquoise squares! I love it so much for its simplicity and yet originality! Its just stunning! This pictures have only ONE coat each of Fully Turqued over Purple Professional nr13.
Dried super fast, glitter spreads evenly. Pictures without TC.
Este verniz é um arraso! (vão compra-lo!! LOL).
Okey.. agora sobre o verniz. É um verniz glitter top coat, base transparente repleta de uma mistura de glitters brancos e pretos em barras, bolas e hexagonos complementada com um toque de quadradros turquesa. Sublime. Adorei-o pela simplicidade e elegancia numa mistura de glitters super original. Na foto apenas tenho uma camada de ILNP sobre o Purple Professional nr13 (mentol). Seagem bastante rápida, o glitter aplica-se uniformemente. Fotos sem top coat.
Don't you love the label? LOL! |
Animal Cookie
One more gorgeous polish. This is a baby pink bomb! It is filled with white hexagons and bars, pink squares, small hexagons and pink micro glitter in a gorgeous clear base.
Also a one coater over Purple Professional Black nr.18.
Mais um lindissimo verniz. Este menino é uma bomba de glitter rosa clarinho. Um Glitter em base transparente, repleto de de hexagonos, barras, quadrados e micro glitters brancos e rosas. Mais uma vez, uma camada para este efeito. A aplicação é bastante simples e a formula bastante fácil de usar. Aplicado sobre o Purple Profissional nr.18.
The Deep Sea
Omg Barbra You will kill us!!
Okey this is almost like 50 shades of ocean.. *hmmm* ! In a clear base, this glitter top coat is filled with several shades of green, turquoise and blue giving it this perfect ocean like effect. I was in awe.
Two coats for this outcome. Spreads very evenly. Dries fast.Applied over Purple Professional nr. 13.
Este menino é de morte! Quem adora verdes (hehehe) vai ficar louco! A primeira impressão que tive dele é que seria as 50 'sombras' de um oceano.O verniz é composto por imensos glitters pequenos e medios em tons de azul, verde e turquesa sobre uma base transparente. Lindissimo. Duas camadas de glitter para este resultado. Aplicação simples, secagem rápida. Aplicado sobre o purple profissional nr.13.
Babes in Toyland
So.. about babes.. I was wondering if I would like to see it over a dark or pastel color. I started with this wine red (273 Raspberry - Barry M). I must confess I was a bit displeased with the mixture I made.. so I went for Mollon Pro 116 (baby blue/mint). I absolutely loved the combo!
Two coats of glitter over the base color.They spread very evenly. What is your favorite?
Este glitter intrigou-me.. não sabia se o haveria de experimentar sobre claro ou escuro.. ou uma cor paste. Experimentei sobre o Barry M. 273 Raspberry e confessei que não fiquei muito feliz com o resultado. Acabei por experimentar o Mollon Pro 116, azul bebé/menta e fiquei apaixonada pela combinação.
Comcordam comigo ou preferem sobre escuro?
Duas camadas de glitter. Espalha-se bastante bem e seca relativamente rápido.
Duas camadas de glitter. Espalha-se bastante bem e seca relativamente rápido.
Berry Sweet
This is really really sweet! This is a purple and pink glitter mixture of small squares, shreds, bars and circular glitter. It is not too pigmented so you can have a light effect on your nails even with this variety of shapes. I tested it over purple professional pink nr3.
Este menino é mesmo mesmo adorável. É uma mistura de glitter roxo e rosa em vários formatos ('estilhaço', quadrados, mini barras e bolas). Não é demasiado pigmentado o que permite um resultado amoroso e leve. Adorei o resultado sobre o Purple Professional nr.3.Experiments over Beauty Uk Peach Melba ; Kiko 338; Mollon Pro 105; Essence Snow White 04 Happy. |
Matthew Peri
Oh My!! I loved this combo! Looked like skies and galaxies! The glitter is once again a clear base filled with blue, silver and holographic glitters in several shades and sizes. The outcome is astonishing. Layered two coats of Matthew over Purple Professional dark blue nr-12.
Céus!! Por ultimo mostro-vos mais um lindão!Este verniz lembrou-me imediatamente galaxias ! Um top coat glitter, base transparente, repleto de glitters azuls, prateadose holograficos em vários tamanhose formas. Adoreio resultado sobre o Purple Professional nr.12.
Duas camadasdo Matther. Aplicação simples, bom tempo de secagem.
Personal Notes from Betty:
Omg Barbra I like you so much! When we first talked we chatted for a while about our names Bárbara and Barbra ( B&B :p) the conversation was amazing and so easy! This girl is amazing, talented and gorgeous! You MUST check out all her creations! I give you my word you wont regret!
Once again I show my total support for Indie Makers and my full respect for their work.
I will not translate the interviews because words and meanings get lost in translation. I hope you understand. Please pm me or comment bellow if you have any doubts.
If you are an Indie Maker and wont to participate in the project, please contact me through Facebook or email (blog.bettynails@gmail.com). You are still in time!
Don't Forget to come tomorrow !
Notas da Betty:
Para as meninas que não conheciam a marca I Love Nail Polish... vocês têm mesmo que ir cuscar as criações da Barbra!
Por ter um nome tão semelhante ao meu, a primeira vez que conversamos a conversa foi parar aos nossos nomes!A Barbra é super simpatica, atenciosa, muito criativa e muito bonita! :D Não deixem de ir visitar as páginas dela para conhecrem todos os vernizes! Garanto que não se vão arrepender!
Por ter um nome tão semelhante ao meu, a primeira vez que conversamos a conversa foi parar aos nossos nomes!A Barbra é super simpatica, atenciosa, muito criativa e muito bonita! :D Não deixem de ir visitar as páginas dela para conhecrem todos os vernizes! Garanto que não se vão arrepender!
O blog ( e eu claro! ) apoia totalmente as marcas Indies e agradece o apoio de todas as meninas ( e meninos) que me ajudaram e estão a apoiar o meu projecto! Tenho imenso respeito por elas e pelo seu trabalho tão bonito.
Não vou traduzir as entrevistas que estão em Inglês.. acho que as palavras e os significados se perdem nas traduções. Espero que compreendam. Qualquer dúvida podem mandar-me uma msg privada ou deixar aqui em baixo nos comentários.
*Se fazes vernizes e queres participar no projecto não deixes de me contactar! Basta enviar uma msg no Facebook do blog ou pelo email (Blog.bettynails@gmail.com). Ainda vais a tempo!
Não se esqueçam de fazer like e seguir a Página do Facebook do blog porque lá vão vendo todas as novidades!
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I hope you loved today's Post!
What was your favorite part? Let me know all in the comment section bellow!
Please do comment, follow and share if you liked, your feedback is very important to me and to all the girls that invested in this project!
Kisses & See you tomorrow !
*This is a post for the Guide A-Z :Indie Brands*

*pictures taken from ILNP Facebook Page with Barbra's Permission*
I seldom leave a response, however I browsed a few of the remarks here
ReplyDelete"*I* I Love Nail Polish [Indie Guide Project]".
I do have a couple of questions for you if you don't mind. Is it only me or does it appear like a few of the remarks appear like they are left by brain dead visitors? :-P And, if you are posting at other online sites, I would like to keep up with anything fresh you have to post. Could you make a list of the complete urls of all your social networking pages like your linkedin profile, Facebook page or twitter feed?
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