4 Aug 2013

Stampaholics ST01 - Palm Tree Nail Art

Hello People!

Today I have one of the posts I promised you last week when I introduced the ST01 (here)! A Nail art per design for this Portuguese Plate!

Hoje trago-vos a primeira de muitas mani prometidas com a ST01, a placa portuguesa Stampaholics que vos apresentei a semana passada aqui.

Mystic Sunset Manicure

Facebook Pages: Stampaholics  |  Mollon  |    Kinetics

Products Used
Base Color
 - Mollon Hybrid Shine UV Color Baies #50 ( review here & How to Apply here)
Gradient Colors 
- Kinetics Yes! 169 Purple
- Kinetics Orange Blitz 235
- Kinetics Private Jet 243 (Leather Effect)
Stamping Polish
- Nubar Nail Art Pure White
Stamping Plate:
ST01 - Stampaholics

I hope you enjoyed today's nail art!
See you soon,



  1. adoroooooooo :)
    excelente trabalho linda ;)

  2. Wow! Loved the nail art!
    Sooooo pretty!
    Huge kiss from Azores **

  3. Hiiii Marsidia! What a great surprise, a visitor from Azores, I lived there, in Terceira, a couple years!
    Thanks for stopping by!

  4. Ohhh really?? I am from Terceira!! Specifically at São Sebastião!
    I loveee your work. I'm a huge fan! You're an nail artist girl!
    Huge kiss **

  5. Wow!! Seriously?! :o What a hugeee coincidence! I lived inside the Air Force Base, but I left a lonnggg longgg time ago.. I keep telling I want to go back there to visit but it hasn't happened yet! I will eventually! :D Thank you so much!
    *kiss & Hug* ^_^
