Hi Girls & Boys!
I'm so happy to be back with another Indie Brand !
Today I'm presenting you Adrianna from Delush Polish !
Olá meninas & Meninos !!
Estou super feliz por hoje vos trazer mais uma marca Indie !Hoje Apresento-vos a Adrianna, criadora dos Delush Polish !
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For those who don't know what I am talking about (Follow me through Facebook to know a lot more!) I am making an Indie Guide A-Z! This will be a huge project and a enormous pleasure to do! So .. what am I going to do? Everyday, I'm going to show you a different brand of Indie Nail Polishes (and some of their major stockists too!! )
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When have you started? Delush Polish originated in December 2012 and was finally launched on March 14th, 2013.
I just wanted to take this opportunity to personally thank you Bárbara, for taking the time to have me and to host such a great project. It is so important to support small business and I’m so proud to be able to be a part of such a community.

Your Name: Adrianna Gonzalez
Brand Name: Delush Polish
Where are you from? I was born in London and currently reside in Boston with my fiance and our fur baby, Nala.

Is there a story behind the name of your brand? I was visiting my mum this past Christmas and we both stayed up late due to the sheer excitement of brainstorming for the perfect name! My mum threw out Delish Polish and then I changed it to Delush as I wanted it to describe what every woman should feel. We all deserve to feel delushous and pamper ourselves and what better way to do that, than to dedicate time to yourself and paint your nails!
How many polishes/collections have you created? I have created over 90 individual polishes and most of these will be part of future collections. The collections I have so far are:
The Downton A-List Collection (debut) features 12 unique polishes that are inspired by 12 characters from one of my favourite shows.
The Eggs-tra Special Limited Edition Trio set features three creamy spring inspired colours which, upon originally releasing sold out. It was however, brought back due to such popular demand and is temporarily available for now.
The Mystique Collection is my latest collection (launch date: Thursday, 11th April) consists of 6 fun and bright colours with plenty of holo shimmer and glitter!
Is there a special polish/collection? Why? Wow, that is a tough one to answer! In all honestly I love each and every one of my creations! I spend so much time with each one, (as funny as that sounds!) from the creation process, photographing, swatching and then down to another passion of mine, the designing of promotional materials. So each of my delushies end up having a special place in my heart, as I truly give each one all my creativity and passion.
Where you a polish addicted before starting making polishes? Is that a trick question? ;) I have always loved nail polish (thanks mum for turning me on to it!) When I first came up with the idea of Delush Polish I felt it just made so much sense because I’m such a girly girl, I love all things related to fashion, makeup and beauty.
Did you have a blog before making polishes or have you started one after? I do have a blog that is dedicated to fashion, beauty and lifestyle called Adornation, however since launching Delush Polish I’ve not had much time to blog and I have to thank all my loyal delushous lovelies for that.
Whats your favorite thing about making polishes?
Honestly? One of my favourite things is the daily interaction I have with each and every friend on facebook, instagram and twitter who like each status update, comment and show their support. I consider them friends not just another fan or blogger and I’ve met so many wonderful people and for that I’m thankful. These people truly become a part of the community that Delush Polish revolves around.
In terms of my polishes, I love the entire creation process, I’m a perfectionist and as a fellow nail polish lover I strive to develop an artisan brand, that delivers only the finest quality, 3 free nail polish and experience, one that transcends those conventional brands. I’m also a designer by trade and I absolutely love the opportunity that creating nail polish offers. It allows me to get away from the computer and to be able to craft an object with my hands and as a creative person, I can honestly say I’m fortunate enough to get the best of both (virtual and physical) worlds.
Can you tell us a curious thing that has happened to you with some client or something funny? I always laugh at some of my family members’ and my fur baby Nala’s reaction, to what I like to call my nail polish creator’s outfit! I think the initial visual is unexpected and scares them when they see me in my mask, safety glasses, gloves and lab coat! I guess this would make a great halloween costume! My mum’s reaction on skype was priceless! Now she is just used to it, she actually reminds me to put certain things on! ;)
Is there anything you'd Like to share:

Another thing that makes Delush Polish unique is that with every order no matter how small or large, no matter whether you are a new or returning customer, you will receive a "Scratch Your Heart Out" postcard and reveal if you are one of the lucky few that have the opportunity to win anything from 10% to 50% off, buy one get one free or free shipping on your next order! You may even win the chance to name the next collection or polish! Just check the back of the postcard enclosed for the scratchable heart! *This is what inspired the scratched heart that I designed for my logo ;)
Oopsie Daisy
Oopsie Daisy is named after the Character Daisy in the Downton Abbey series. This is a very cute and discreet polish with a light yellow base color filled with very fine light gold simmer. Tree coats for full opacity and around 5 mins drying time. The formula is neither thick or thin and I found it very easy to work with.
O Oopsie Daisy é baseada na personagem Daisy, na serie Downton Abbey. É um verniz muito bonito e discreto composto por uma cor base amarela clara sendo repleto de um finissimo shimmer dourado claro. A fórmula é bastante fácil de trabalhar e aplicar não sendo nem demasiado espessa nem demasiado fluida. Apliquei 3 camadas para opacidade total e o tempo de secagem rondou os 5minutos.
Free Mr. Bates
Free Mr. Bates is obviously based on the Mr.Bates character, his Lord the Earl of Grantham first footman!
The polish has a deep ocean blue base color filled with small glitters in shades of blue and violet. It took 2 coats for full opacity and even tho it has a very large amount of glitter it was not hard to apply. Dried in around 5-6mins.
O Free Mr. Bates é obviamente baseado no Mr.Bates, o criado do Lord Grantham.
O verniz é composto por uma cor base num tom de azul bem profundo e é repleto de pequenos glitters em tons de azul e violeta. A fórmula é muito bem pigmentada sendo que a unha fica opaca em 2 camadas. A fórmula, apesar de carregaada de glitter é bem facil de aplicar. O tempo de secagem ronda os 5-6minutos.
Her Ladyship
This polish is based on her Ladyship, Cora Crawley, the Countess of Grantham.
It is a orange base polish filled with red, blue, yellow and silver glitter, in very small sizes. There are also a few yellow flowers very very cute. In its hole, this polish resembles something very old and elegant, just like the countess. I found this formula to be very well suited for this character.
The formula is very pigmented and covers the nail in two coats. It is very easy to apply and the glitters spread nice and evenly. Around 5mins drying time.
Este verniz é baseado na Condessa de Grantham, Cora Crawley, "her ladyship" /"sua senhoria" para os empregados da casa.
O verniz no seu todo tem um acabamento bastante antigo e clássico.. quase que lembra as cortinas das nossas bisavos... achei a fórmula perfeita e muito muito bem conseguida para esta personagem.
O Her Ladyship é composto por uma base cor de laranja neutro e pequenos glitters azuis, amarelos, vermelhos e prateados sendo que também podem ser encontradas pequenas flores amarelos. Não é um verniz saturadíssio de gliter o que lhe confere uma certa harmonia e encanto.
Apliquei apenas duas camadas para opacidade total sendo que a fórmula é facil de trabalhar e os glitters se distribuem facilmente e de modo homogeneo. Cerca de 5 minutos de tempo de secagem.
Website: www.delushpolish.com
Facebook: www.facebook.com/delushpolish
Instagram: www.instagram.com/delushpolish
Store: www.delushpolish.com
Twitter: www.twitter.com/delushpolish
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Personal Notes from Betty:
Thank you so much Adrianna, its always such a pleasure to meet people like you! Enthusiastic about your work and passionate about what you do, just like me! I wish you the best!
Once again I show my total support for Indie Makers and my full respect for their work.
I will not translate the interviews because words and meanings get lost in translation. I hope you understand. Please pm me or comment bellow if you have any doubts.
If you are an Indie Maker and wont to participate in the project, please contact me through Facebook or email (blog.bettynails@gmail.com). You are still in time!
Don't Forget to come tomorrow !
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I hope you loved today's Post!
What was your favorite part? Let me know all in the comment section bellow!
Please do comment, follow and share if you liked, your feedback is very important to me and to all the girls that invested in this project!
Kisses & See you tomorrow !
*This is a post for the Guide A-Z :Indie Brands*
You can find all the info in the Guide A-Z Indie Brands Page,on the top of the Blog, or check the Indie Guide Tag.
*pictures taken from Delush Polish Facebook Page with Adrianna's Permission*
que lindo, eu não conhecia a marca!!
ReplyDeletebeijos flor
não conhecia a marca :O
ReplyDeleteAdorei a coleção, muito linda e eu não conhecia a marca ainda!
ReplyDeleteO Oopsie Daisy é muito fofo, fiquei querendo experiemntar!
Adrianna is such a sweetheart! I really enjoyed reading this interview with her and anticipate the postie delivering my new Delush goodies =) xo
ReplyDeleteShe is indeed! :D Kiss!!
ReplyDeleteThank you for stopping by!
Olá Joana! Os links para a loja estão todos no fim do post!
São realmente muito bonitos!!
Opaaaa.. eu que nem ligo a amarelos, apaixonei-me pelo Oopsie Daisy! :O
I still know Oopsie Daisy would never be my kind of polish but after seeing your swatch... I liked it so much I actually want it now! haha :D
ReplyDeletehaha! nem sei porque escrevi em InglÊs, mas you know what I mean! ;)
ReplyDeleteé lindissimo!! <3 beijocaaa
ReplyDeleteahahah I gotcha! <3 é mesmo giraço ! <3
ReplyDeleteUma marca que ainda não tive o prazer de conhecer e amei os detalhes da entrevista... Lindos estes indies, especialmente o azul...
Tava mesmo a ver que ias adorar o azul! <3 Besoooo