Hi Girls & Boys!
I'm so happy to be back with another Indie Brand !
Today I'm presenting you Stacy, the mind behind the glitter bombs Glitzology!!
Olá meninas & Meninos !!
Estou super feliz por hoje vos trazer mais uma marca Indie !Hoje Apresento-vos a Stacy, a mente por trás dos Glitzology, verdadeiras bombas de glitter !!!!
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For those who don't know what I am talking about (Follow me through Facebook to know a lot more!) I am making an Indie Guide A-Z! This will be a huge project and a enormous pleasure to do! So .. what am I going to do? Everyday, I'm going to show you a different brand of Indie Nail Polishes (and some of their major stockists too!! )
Para quem não sabe do que eu estou a falar ( basta seguirem-me também no Facebook para saberem as novidades em primeira mão ) estou a fazer um Guia de Vernizes Indie. Este é um projecto enorme e muito trabalhoso que tenho imenso prazer de partilhar convosco! Então, o que é que vou fazer? Todos os dias, vou-vos mostrar uma marca diferente de vernizes indies com entrevistas com as meninas ( e meninos) que os fazem! Além disso, tambem vos vou trazer entrevistas com as maiores lojas onde eles se vendem!
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Past polish addiction: I wouldn't say I was polish addicted, but nails are definitely my life. I have been a professional nail tech for 6 years now, and making polish is just another way to have fun and be creative with nails.
Favorite thing about making polish: For me, making polish has brought back my love for nails. I was getting bored with the nail industry, I felt like I had tried it all. My clients and I had settled into a happy routine. I knew what they liked and that was that. But making polish has inspired me to try new things again. And it's even been inspiring my nail clients to try new colors and styles!
Guardian Angel
Brand: Glitzology
From: Cortland, Ohio, USA
Started: Officially opened for business October 19, 2012
Story behind brand name: "Glitzology" came from a joke my boyfriend made. I was just starting to mess around with making my own polish and he said something like "Look at you over there mixing stuff! Like a mad scientist but with glitter! Like a Glitzologist!" I thought it was funny, so I decided to name my polish "Glitzology" in honor of my mad scientist glitter mixing.
Number of polishes: Right now I think I have about 45 colors. I add new ones every week or two. I try not to discontinue colors unless they are seasonal or holiday colors.
Special polish: I'm not sure that any one polish is special, but the one most dear to my heart is "Guardian Angel" that I made in honor of my mother who passed away from cancer in January of 2011.

Blogs: No, I do not have a blog. Honestly, I'm like an old lady when it comes to computer skills, so I'm not very internet savvy.

Funny polish story: I recently had a customer special order a dozen bottles of "Country Girl" because she is having a "redneck" theme for her wedding and wanting to include the polish with the bridesmaids gifts, haha!
Anything else: I just wanted to thank everyone for being so supportive of me and my little shop! I never thought things would go this well!
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/glitzology
Guardian Angel
This polish is so delicate and gorgeous. I am in love with it.. I think I'm going to use it again, in a specially romantic day in February! LOL
This are two coats of guardian angel over Purple Professional nr. 50. As you can see by the amount of hearts, they come out easily and I didn't need to fish them of the bottle. Even tho all this polishes are glitter bombs I had no major trouble in applying them evenly to the nails.
Este verniz é mesmo muito bonito e delicado. Fiquei apaixonada e creio que vais ser o escolhido para ser re-usado num certo dia especial em Fevereiro.
Duas camadas de Guardian Angel sobre o Purple Professional n.º50. Como podem ver pela quantidade de corações em cada unha posso-vos dizer que não os tive de pescar e sairam em bastante quantidade a cada pinceladela.
Apesar de todos estes Glitzology serem bombas de glitter não tive grande problema na aplicação.
I LOVED this polish! I'm not a blue drooler BUT this one took my breath away. Its such a full glitter bomb! One coats of Blue Lagoon over Purple Professional nr13. The outcome is stunning, both without topcoat (following picture) or with top coat, remaining two pictures.
Even tho it does have a super saturated formula it doesn't get to bumpy or is even hard to apply. To remove just use the *foil Method*.
Eu AMEI este verniz. Normalmente não sou uma louca por azuis mas este arrebatou-me! É uma pura bomba de glitter! Apliquei uma camada do Blue Lagoon sobre o Purple Professional nr13. O resultado é fabuloso, sem top coat (1ª foto abaixo) ou com top coat (fotos seguintos). Apesar de a fórmula ser extremamente pigmentada a aplicação não é do outro mundo e a remoção é facilmente feita ou com o método do papel de alumínio ou usando uma base de peel off.
One more glitter bomb this time filled with amazing cute stars and in a dark shade. The formula is slightly less dense than Blue lagoon (above) or Crown Royal (next swatch). Very workable! Two coats over Purple Professional 47.
Mais uma bomba de glitter, desta vez em tons escuros e repletos de estrelas. A formula é menos densa que a do Blue Lagoon ou o Crown Royal e bastante fácil de aplicar. Duas camadas de Nebula sobre o Purple Professional nr 47.
Crown Royal
And last but not the least, Crown Royal is a unique Gold and Purple Glitter Bomb! Its just unbelievable gorgeous! Very dense glitter very easy to apply (have I said this before! Its true!). Please do remove it properly with foil or use a peel off base coat (Mollon Diamond Base willwork!).
Por último temos o lindissimo Crown Royal, uma combinação única e original de glitters roxos e dourados numa bomba de glitter inacreditávelmente linda. Um glitter super denso mas fácil de aplicar ( eu sei que já disse isso mas de facto foi super fácil de aplicar apesar da densidade.). Não se esqueçam que para uma facil e 'indolor' remoção basta usar o método do papel de alumínio ou uma base peel off (A Mollon Diamond Hard é Optima).
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Personal Notes from Betty:
Thank you so much Stacy! Besides being amazing, super attentive with me and supportive with this project you made another impressive thing!
Stacy made my boyfriend say that he liked a polish that wasn't red! LOL Unbelievable! :D
Thanks Stacy!
Stacy made my boyfriend say that he liked a polish that wasn't red! LOL Unbelievable! :D
Thanks Stacy!
Once again I show my total support for Indie Makers and my full respect for their work.
I will not translate the interviews because words and meanings get lost in translation. I hope you understand. Please pm me or comment bellow if you have any doubts.
If you are an Indie Maker and wont to participate in the project, please contact me through Facebook or email (blog.bettynails@gmail.com). You are still in time!
Don't Forget to come tomorrow !
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I hope you loved today's Post!
What was your favorite part? Let me know all in the comment section bellow!
Please do comment, follow and share if you liked, your feedback is very important to me and to all the girls that invested in this project!
Kisses & See you tomorrow !
Contem-me tudo nos comentários abaixo! Se gostaram por favor comentem, sigam e partilhem!
O vosso feedback é muito muito importante, não só para mim como para todas as pessoas que se envolveram no projecto.
Beijocas e Até amanha!!

*This is a post for the Guide A-Z :Indie Brands*
You can find all the info in the Guide A-Z Indie Brands Page,on the top of the Blog, or check the Indie Guide Tag.
*pictures taken from Glitzology Facebook Page with Stacy's Permission*
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