
19 Nov 2015

Novidades Purple Professional - Gel Polish, Builder Gel, Nail Polish [NEW]

Hello gente! Bom diaa! 
Pelos últimos dias têm visto imensas novidades da Purple Professional a sair  e eu sei que é facil ficar perdida apesar de eu ir postando tudo pelo Instagram! Deixo aqui o resumo de todas as novidades que sairam até agora!
Temos verniz, verniz gel e gel de construção tudo novinho e o novo top coat verniz gel matte (post aqui).
Qualquer duvida ja sabem! 

Hello people! How are you?
Purple Professional has been launching  alot of new products this couple days and weeks and even though I have been publishing it on Instagram, I know it is easy to lose track of the products. Here is a summary of all the new stuff! We have nail polish, gel polish, builder gel and even a new matte top coat I talked about here. Lets see it all?

*brand info by the end of the post*

Novidades Verniz Gel

A Purple Professional lançou recentemente 2 colecções de verniz gel num total de  13 cores. Falta aqui uma cor nas fotos! Vou tentar deixa-la ainda hoje no Instagram e depois actualizo este post! ( Colton)
2 new gel polish collection in a total of 13 new gel polish colors! There is still on color missing here. Is a brown/nude named colton. I will update this post asap and post the color on instagram too. 


Novos Géis de Construção - Milky Beige e Milky Light Beige.

Estes geis de construção são bastante semelhantes aos meus queridinhos milky pink e milky white. 
This two are the new builder gels! They are awesome and the formula is as perfect as my favorite one - Milky pink opack.

Nova Colecção de Verniz Regular

3 novos tons super menina. Todos cobrem a unha em 2 camadas! 
3 new nail polish shades! all cover the nail in two coats!


*the products on this post were sent by the brand for an honest review, all opinions are my own*

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