
8 May 2015

Expocosmética 2015 - Fotos, Impressões, Compras e Recebidos

Hello lovelies! How are you today? This past weekend  happened another edition of the Portuguese beauty fair called Expocosmetics.
This year I went Sunday expecting to gain a bit more time to see more boots. It was a 4 hour ride up and 4h ride down as the exhibit it at the north of the country. So.. without any further delay let me tell you that I did not regret going as I always LOVEEE to see the new products, to meet with fellow bloggers, friends and the people behind the brands!
I  only get to see them once a year, so it is always super cool!

The haul! 

The fair - An Overview

Lets see the overview of the fair and what I brought home with me!

I visited several partner brands!

GL Nails ( with Hean and Color Club )
Verity Beauty with Gelish and Morgan Taylor

That's all for 2015! There will be more next year... and in between... theres the Lisbon In Beauty Fair, around October!

The next posts will be about the products! ^_^

See you soon! 

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