
13 Dec 2014

Mollon PRO Monophase - Winter 2014 Collection Preview


Post flash para vos mostrar uma preview dos novos Mollon Pro Monophase da colecção de Inverno! Já os  podem comprar na loja online! Excelente prenda de Natal !! ;) 

Flash post to show you the preview of the new Mollon Pro Monophase Winter 2014 Collection! Check out your nearest retailer and let me know if you need help!

37 - Angelina - Brick Orange/Laranja Tijolo
38 - Sharlize - Metallic Silver - Prateado Metalizado
39 - Kira - Deep Grey with purple undertone - Cinzento escuro com subtom roxo
40- Monica -  Dark Blue Jeans -  Azul ganga
41 - Jennifer - Shimmery dark purple - Roxo escuro repleto de shimmer


*the products on this post were sent by the brand for an honest review, all opinions are my own*

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