
14 Oct 2014

In Beauty - Resumo Sábado e Domingo / Beauty Fair

Cucu princesas!! Como sabem este fim de semana decorreu em Lisboa a segunda edição da Feira InBeauty organizada pela expocosmética e eu andei por lá Sábado e Domingo! Neste post de hoje mostro-vos o que trouxe, comprinhas e ofertas e as fotos da feira!

Num proximo post vou-vos mostrar o passo a passo das minhas unhas, gentileza Catherine, para eu experimentar o gel deles! ;)

Hello lovelies, how are you? This last weekend was Lisbon's beauty fair, called InBeauty.  I was there Saturday and Sunday and today I'm showing you all the goodies, both bought and beauty blogger gifts! In a future post I will show you the step by step of my nails, by Catherine!

Vamos ver os produtos primeiro!
Lets see the goodies!

Vejam abaixo as fotos gerais da feira! Para verem todasssss as fotos cusquem o album InBeauty 2014 na minha Página de Facebook Blog.Betty-Nails. PS: Os clichés foram um troca. A marca não esteve presente na feira.
Now the general fair pictures! For more pictures check the complete InBeauty 2014 facebook album 

The Kimmidoll Portugal rep gave each blogger a key-chain. Thank you!

Estes são os novos frascos da Kinetics. Ainda não estão disponíveis para venda mas vão susbstituir os actuais a partir do final do ano! Fiquem atentas!

This are the new Kinetics bottles that will replace the current ones by the end of the year!

No stand da Catherine com as minhas unha Catherine mega lindas!

The usual picture, with all the bloggers at Kinetics stand.
A foto da praxe, no stand da Kinetics, as 17h! 

Selfie time! LOL 
Rosana, Susana, Moi, Ana

Eu e a Feirinha (que é a Ana :p )
 --> É a menina Stampaholics(cusquem a placa de halloween)!

Margarida (A Guida É que Sabe), Ana ( Let's Talk About Beauty) e eu!

I will be back soon with more detailed posts about several brands!
Volto em breve com posts mais detalhados de várias marcas!



  1. Pretty dolls the one with the red kimono is my favorite, first time I see u, have also dark wavy hair but mine is jut a little bit under my ear. how do you keep your hair so pretty and healthy_?
    btw nice shade of red nail polish are you wearing

  2. Hii!! I have more pictures of me in the blog. Usually events and exposcosmetics! :p
    About the hair.. I use an assortment of products in my daily hair routine. champoo and conditioner always, hair mask 2 times a week. Then hair foam for curly hair and hydration sprays. I also used a golden elixir by fanola. http://goo.gl/AQCXPo
    The red is catherine passion, from the charleston collection - http://goo.gl/gxgwk8

  3. Fanola is from portugal hard to find here.

    where those lil dolls a kind ogf Geeisja

  4. E a nossa foto faltou
    Snif Snif
