
3 Feb 2014

Mollon Pro Monophase - 12 New Colors


Hello lovelies! I hope you had an wonderful weekend! I am way beyond happy to let you know that Mollon Pro has just announced 12 new shades to add to the Monophase Line. You can see all posts about Mollon Pro Monophase here

Cucu!! Espero que tenham tido um optimo fim de semana! Estou super feliz por finalmente vos poder mostrar novidades! A Mollon Pro acaba de anunciar o lançamento de 12 novos tons na linha Monophase. Podem ver todos os posts sobre a linha Mollon Pro Monophase aqui.

*brand info by the end of the post*

And if you haven't seen them yet, here are the 1st 12 shades of Mollon Pro Monopase line.
E caso ainda não as tenham visto ainda, estas são as 12 primeiras cores da linha Mollon Pro Monophase. 


1 comment:

  1. From 6 tilll 12 are gorgeous and me, even 7 looks like a toe shade for me.
