
8 Feb 2014

Blogging Tips . Top 5 Social Networks

Hello lovelies! Today I bring you # Blogging tips. 
I've been thinking about doing this for a while now and I've mentioned a lot of this networks before. So if you ask me how to promote your blog this is what I would tell you. Join this networks. This are my favorite social networks and why I love to share my posts there. I hope this post helps you and if you have any doubts just ask. Lets see how to make a blog grow its pageviews, shall we?

Hello pessoal! Hoje trago-vos mais uma edição das blogging tips.
Já há algum tempo que ando a pensar escrever este post sobre as redes sociais que mais uso para partilhar os meus posts. Existem (muitas) mais mas estas são as que são mais eficientes para mim e as que geram mais views. No entanto, não deixem de ter em conta que o que resulta para mim pode não resultar do mesmo modo com o vosso blog. De qualquer modo aqui ficam as minhas. Qualquer dúvida basta perguntar. 

#1 - Facebook

The obvious one, of course. The Facebook Fan Page. I have had mine for what? 2 years now? Keeps being my 1st source of pageviews after direct Google search. You can manage your page as you please at let your fans know about your news and recent blog posts. By now you can have Rafflecopter app ( the thing that helps you out with giveaways) and the feed from Instagram integrated. 

#2 -Twitter

Well twitter is a good source of pageviews IF you can twit interesting things. If you just twit the blog post title sure you'll have a couple of views but if you twit something interesting and curious like ( Wanna know what I've done with 3 pink polishes?) it's more likely that more curious people will open the link to your blog. Get it?
You can also have your Twitter on an Twitter App by Twitter Mobile, allowing you to post a twit whenever, wherever.

#3- Pinterest
Pinterest app is so much for. You can pin anything you want and if you are in just a couple of colective boards peope start to notice you and slowly you increase your blog views. Just keep your boards organized by specific terms. Everytime you make a blog post, just pin your images into the right pinterest boards.
For us , nail polish bloggers, the best ones might be Favorite Nails, Blue Nails, Nailart.. bla bla bla or by brand, MoYou-London Nails, O.P.I Nails.. etc.. you get the point! 

#4- Instagram
The first question  you may ask is "How to Get Followers on Instagram?" well.. just post pictures with hashtags that matter in your blogue niche. Find out your blog niche, or your small favorite thing to blog about and focus on that! With every picture you take don't forget to hashtag it with both specific keywords and more general keywords.

For example when posting a picture of your latest nailar, hashtag it with things like:

specific :

  • #color
  •  #brand
  • #nail art type
  • #theme


  •  #nailart
  •  #stamping
  •  #naistagram 
  • #nails 
  • #nailpolish
  •  #gel
  •  #nailsofinstagram 
  • #macro 
  • #nailartideas
  • uñhas
  • smalto
  • ... you get it right?

#5 - Sverve

This one is very very useful. I don't think it generates that much of pageviews itself but it tells me things like  how to increase my views,  how to earn money blogging,  how to make the blog pr friendly, how to prepare the blog for festivities.. things that are extremely HELPful for bloggers. This is a blogger community made by bloggers from all niches and its purpose is to help bloggers. You can see my Profile here. Every time you post your sverve post can be liked, shared or favorited. People can follow you and endorse you on one of your 5 categories that you chose when you set up an account ( see here how to set up a sverve account). The more endorsements you have, the higher your sverve score will be. With higher sverve scores you can apply for sponsored posts.
You can also connect your Google account, facebook profile and twitter account to increase sverve score. 

You can see all my social networks here:

I hope this post helped you at least a litte bit! Do not hesitate in asking any questions you may have.



  1. I am getting more exposure on Google+ than Facebook - how about you?

  2. I actually think that it depends of the days and on the groups I share with. I try not to share on the same groups, in G+, everyday. But yes, some drive a huge amount of views. Any group recommendations?
