
4 Jan 2014

The Polish Bar - Cobalt Blue and Jingle Stars

Hello ladies! Are you enjoying the 1st days of 2014? Here in Portugal the weather is going from bad to terrible and it doesn't stop raining!
Even tho there is almost no sunlight to swatch, we can always count on out faithfull box and white light!=D
Today I have to indies, from The Polish Bar brand, and while Cobalt Blue belongs to the SummerHolo Jellies Collection, Jingle Stars belongs to the Holliday 2013 collection!
 I wore this combo during a couple of days, this holidays and I loved it! It was a huge success!

Olá!! Espero que estejam a aproveitar os últimos dias das férias de Natal e a gostar dos primeiros dias de 2014! Por enquanto o tempo está bem chuvoso e sabe mesmo bem estar por casa a arranjar as unhas!
Apesar de não haver quase luz nenhuma, posso sempre contar com as luzes brancas e com a lightbox!
Hoje trago-vos uma manicure com Indies, feita durante as férias de Natal. Usei-a durante algums dias e foi um sucesso!

*brand info by the end of the post*

 Cobalt blue

This is a gorgeous shade of vivid blue in a holo jelly finish and an amazing pure shine! I have no top coat applied in any of the following pictures. 
Cobalta blue is with 3 coats in the pictures. The formula applies very well and drying time is quite fast, around 5 mins.

O Cobalt blue é um lindíssimo azul vivido e muito brilhante com um acabamento holo Jelly ! Em nenhuma das fotos abaixo , o verniz tem aplicação de top coat por cima. A aplicação é muito simples, sendo necessárias 3 camadas para o efeito abaixo. Cerca de 5 mins de tempo de secagem.

Jingle Stars

Jingle Stars is a glitter top coat, from the Holiday 2013 collection and is composed of blue, white, black and silver glitters in several shades, sizes and forms. We can find silver holographic stars, white bars and hexagons in several sizes an a lot of blue glitters in several shapes and shades.
2 coats over cobalt blue that spread very easily on the nail.

O Jingle Stars é um glitter top coat, colecção de Natal de 2013. É composto por uma base transparente repleta de  glitters de vários tons de azul, prata, preto e prateado, em vários tamanho. 
Podemos encontrar pequenas estrelinhas prateadas, glitter em barra branco e glitter hexagonal em vários tamanhos e tons de azul, branco, prata e preto.
2 camadas sobre o Cobalt Blue, sendo que a aplicação é muito simples e os glitters distribuem-se homogeneamente e sem qualquer dificuldade.

*the products on this post were sent by the brand for an honest review, all opinions are my own*

The Polish Bar INFO 
Blog: n/a


  1. very pretty blue

    betty do you know the brand Jade form Brazil right? cant find any site where I can find information about the brand. Do you have any idea of they are cruelty free?

  2. Ameiii os vernizes <3


  3. Hii!!! I have checked up with them! They are no hipoalergenic but they are cruelty free. You can see it here, but it is on brazilian. https://www.facebook.com/notes/esmalte-jade-cosm%C3%A9ticos/faq-perguntas-frequentes/454481677899882

  4. Cobalt Blue is just amazing!

  5. Que bom Joana, Obrigado pela visita!
    Bom Ano!

  6. It is right? :D
    thank you for stopping by!

  7. Thank you very much, my mayor concern was if they where cruelty free, got a giftcard so they brand is in the site so was planning to check one of those, they have nice vampy shades

  8. You welcome! They have amazing shades!! Go ahead and try them out! Im sure you'll love them!

  9. they don't have a big collection in stock in the site but was able to find nice shades, when i get the card will let you know about my choices if you like. i love their shine.
