
7 Dec 2013

MoYou-London New Competition, News and New Plates


Lots of news by MoYou-London! Lets check them out!
A MoYou-London presenteou-nos com uma sexta feira cheia de novidades! Vamos ver?

The Fairytale competition 

"We have just released a competition on our Pinterest Page. The winners can win plates from our Fairytale Collection which includes 10 new plates (these plates will be released on the 13th of Dec.

1) This competition is exactly like our "Nail It or Leave it" Competition where everyone can send their manis.
2) This time > the audience decides the winners. The manis with the most points (likes and pins) will win.
3) The competition is already live and will go on until the 31st of Dec. The winners will be announced on the first week of January.
4) Anyone can enter by submitting a mani of MoYou-London,
5) You can enter with as many manis you wish as long as they haven't WON a competition of "Nail It Or Leave It"
For more details Click Here"

Friday Release! 
 is here, and I am happy to announce the new release of the week. Here's some more form the: << Explorer Collection >>
This time 9 more plates!!   Including smaller version of the previous plates and many new designs! 

* I LOVE 13, 17 and 18* And you?*

These plates are available now, you can see them by following clicking Here
Theses plates are in stock and will be shipped right away.
Twitter Trivia!
"Every Thursday during the day we have a Twitter Trivia where we ask a few questions related to one of our collections.
For example this week it was the Sailor Collection and we asked questions such as: "What is the name of Popeye's wife?"
From all the right answers we randomly pick a winner and send her a plate from the Sailor Collection. Every question has a related plates and there are 5 questions asked (therefore 5 plates to win!) "

MoYou-London info:

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