
20 Nov 2013

MoYou-London - Tourist Collection Extended

Hello Ladies!!

This weeks release in MoYou Headquarters will be an extension of the Tourist Collection. 2 new plates!

moyou london tourist
<<<<< The Tourist Collection >>>>>  
Say hi to Kira > she is always on the move.. 
This time Kira visits Sydney-Australia and Madrid-Barcelona
These plates will be available on the site this coming Friday on the 22nd of November
They will be marked as Pre Sale > and will be shipped on the first week of December.

Sidney, Australia

Barcelona, Spain

What do you think? I really like the Australian one!



MoYou-London info:


  1. Are you sure the second one is for Madrid? Because it says "Barça" (that is the football team from Barcelona, and the main rival of the one of Madrid) and there are also few hints pointing to Barcelona, like the fact of portraying the Sagrada Familia (the famous church of Barcelona) and portraying Gaudí (who is also from there). But I don't know, there are also things from Andalucía like the bullfighters, the flamenco dancers and the carnation. I think it is just a mix-match of "typical Spanish" things. At least the one of Syndey shows things that are actually in Sydney. Maybe an Australian lady could tell us if the other one is right -apart of the recognisable opera house-, but I am from Madrid and I can assure that this plate does not represent Madrid but Barcelona (or some idealistic missconception of it, since there are no bullfights or flamenco over there).

    Sorry for the long comment, but I just had to

  2. Hi Marina! Well.. I can't assure you for myself, i but I can tell you that this was the information that was given to bloggers on the press release. I really appreciate your note on this, I will ask the brand's PR :D

  3. Thank you for your care Betty. I know it was the information you have and that they may trully believe they were doing it right (and I like most of the desings they chose, but they are not Madrid).
    Keep doing such a great job. I love your blog and visit it almost daily (I am suscribed to the newsletter) but I seldom comment. Thank you very much for what you have done. I appreciate that a lot. XOXO

  4. Thank you so much for your support Marina! I really apreciate this kind of feedback! As soon as I have a repply from MoYou I will let you know here, ok?
    Thank you! Have a great day! ^_^ ***

  5. Hi Marina! How are you? MoYou has replied to me and confirmed it was a typo! Its Barcelona! :D
