
29 Nov 2013

MoYou-London - Explorer Collection Extended


MoYou-London has just updated their Explorer Collection with 6 new plates! I'm in love with nr9! I need it badly!
And you? Any favorites? Let me know!
A MoYou-London voltou a atacar! Mais um update a uma colecção. Desta vez, foram lançadas mais 6 placas da colecção Explorer! Eu fiquei apaixonada pela plaquinha 06. E vocês? Têm alguma favorita? Contem-me tudo!

*brand info by the end of the post*

MoYou-London info:

1 comment:

  1. They are pretty but the nail stamper is something you need to buy and Im not sure if it fit in small nails ( people with small hands)
