
30 Nov 2013

MASH Nails - 3rd set - PICTURES 51-75


 Hello ladies! 
Its weekend again! How was your black friday? Spent much? 
Last week, several months and euros later, I was finally able to release my MASH package from portuguese costumes! The package had the new MASH set and the stamping polish set too. Today I'm showing you the full collection pictures so that you can see properly all the designs in this new set.

Boa tarde! 
É novamente fim de semana e ontem foi black friday! Que tal? Gastaram muito?
A semana passada consegui finalmente libertar o meu pacote da MASH, da alfandega portuguesa. Vários/muitos euros e dois meses depois finalmente chegou a minha casa o novo set MASH e o conjunto de vernizes para carimbo que a marca agora disponibiliza. Hoje mostro-vos todas as 25 plaquinhas, em detalhe, para que possa ver os desenhos disponíveis.
*brand info by the end of the post*

*the products on this post were sent by the brand for an honest review, all opinions are my own*