
24 Nov 2013

El Corazon - Eggs of Wild Birds, Orly & MoYou-London

Evening Ladies! How are you today?
Las week I received a set of El Corazons for review. I Have the first mani for you to see! I wore this last week an used it for 3 days. It almost broke my heart removing it as it was still perfect!
Boa tarde ! Como está a ser o Domingo? 
A semana passada recebi um conjunto de produtos El Corazon para testar e hoje trago-vos o primeiro menino! Usei esta mani por 3 dias e foi com alguma tristeza que a retirei, intacta!

*brand info by the end of the post*

Base colors
For base colors I used this gorgeous El-Corazon Eggs of Wild Birds, nr 423/96. This is a stunning white based polish filled with small and medium black hexagonal glitters. The outcome on the nails is like a speckled/sandwish look. Took 3 thin coats for total opacity.

For the twin accent nails I used Orly Masqued Cerimony from the Secret Society Collection. This polish takes two coats for full opacity and dries in 2-3 mins with top coat ( Kwik Kote- Kinetics). 
As cores base usadas foram o Lindíssimo EL Corazón Eggs of Wild Birds, nr 423/96. Este lindíssimo verniz tem por cor base um branco puro e esta repleto de pequenos e médios glitters hexagonais em preto. O acabamento final é speckled/sandwish. São necessárias 3 finas camadas para opacidade total e seca em cerca de 5 mins. 
Para as unhas gemeas, usei o Orly Masqued Cerimony, da colecção Secret Society. Foram apenas necessárias 2 finas camadas para opacidade total e o verniz seca em 2 mins com top coat ( Kwik Kote).



This stamping was made using MoYou-London Pro Collection 07 Stamping plate, Nubar Pure White  and MASH Stamping polish in black.
A nailart foi elaborada usando a plaquinha MoYou London Pro Collection 07 os vernizes branco e preto são o Nubar Pure White e Mash Black, respectivamente. 

el corazon

El Corazón INFO:
*the products on this post were sent by the brand for an honest review, all opinions are my own*


  1. like the last design but im sure not into white polish. give me wines, bugandys, dark reds, plums, black , navy blue, emerald green, dark green, and also golds.

  2. like the last design but im sure not into white polish. give me wines, bugandys, dark reds, plums, red purple, black , navy blue, emerald green, dark green, and also golds. * cream and jellies,

  3. The design is really something! I've been wanting to test it in another color scheme to see how it works! ^_^
