
6 Jun 2013

#Not that I am thinking about it [Persunmall]

Hello Ladies, how are you?!
Different post..

So okey I am not crazy but as I was wondering around this girly websites that have clothes, accessories, jewelry and lots of stuff I  landed on a online store called Persunmall and in their garden and outdoor wedding dresses page. 

As I don't seem to find any usefulness in this for me I got to wonder in a question for you..

If you could chose Elena's wedding dress with Damon


Anastasia Steele with Christian Gray...

What dress would you chose?! LOL

Wedding Dress #1               Wedding Dress #2                     Wedding Dress #3

                Wedding Dress #4               Wedding Dress #4                   Wedding Dress #6

I would go with #5 for Anastasia.. to long and she might fall ! LOL and #3 for Elena

And you!?

Just if you are curious: There are also normal stuff!
Check out their Accessories and Bags


I love a couple of them...
This one... should I get it? 

 Here is Leopard Bag details! Don't you love it? 

Or this one?

 And this one is the Pink Adorable Bag I can't decide if I get too or not!!

I kinda love the leopard one but I also love the pink one .. Hmmm *questions*questions*questions*

Help? LOL
See you soon and thank you!



  1. eu escolheria o segundo com uns sapatos vermelhos!

  2. The dress number 5 maybe!the choice is so difficult!
    The bag are so cute!
    have a happy friday!

  3. ahahah great choice! Thank you!
    Have a great weekend

  4. eheheh bela escolha! Também gosto! Beijocas
