
30 May 2013

*C* Crazy Polish Lady (PT) [The Indie Guide Project]

Hi Girls & Boys!
I'm so happy to be back with another Indie Brand !
Today I'm presenting you Sophie, the adorable and Portuguese maker of the Crazy Polish Lady polishes ! 

Olá meninas & Meninos !!
Estou super feliz por hoje vos trazer mais uma marca Indie !
Hoje apresento-vos a Sofia, a nossa adorável e Portuguesa criadora dos Indies Crazy Polish Lady !

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For those who don't know what I am talking about (Follow me through Facebook to know a lot more!) I am making an Indie Guide A-Z! This will be a huge project and a enormous pleasure to do! So .. what am I going to do? Everyday, I'm going to show you a different brand of Indie Nail Polishes (and some of their major stockists too!! )
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The 1st Collec

Your Name: Sofia Carvalho

Brand Name: Crazy Polish Lady
Where are you from? Aveiro, in the center shore of Portugal

When have you started? Well, the idea started one and a half year ago, but all the difficulty to get the goods to make my own polishes made me took quite a long time to start with it, and I launched my first collection on early February 2013!

Is there a story behind the name of your brand? Yes, there is! I love The Simpsons, I love polishes and I love cats, I have 3, 2 boys and a girl, and the name was inspired by the Crazy Cat Lady from The Simpsons!

How many polishes/collections have you created? 3 Collections so far. The first one has 8 colors, the second 6 colors and the new one, which will be a Limited Edition Collection, is going to have 5 colors!

Is there a special polish/collection? Why? Cosmic love, the first one I made and the one I fell immediately in love with! It's its blue shade that kills me! :)

Where you a polish addicted before starting making polishes? Yes! My polish obsession started around 6 years ago, and right now I have around 700 polishes in my stash!

Did you have a blog before making polishes or have you started one after? I have a nail polish blog which had its 1st birthday on January this year @ http://vernizolicaanonima.blogspot.com

Whats your favorite thing about making polishes? The creating process. I love mixing colors (and the worst part for me is getting names for them)

Can you tell us a curious thing that has happened to you with some client or something funny? Besides sending 2 different colors with the same label to one client, I can't remember anything else :)

Do you ship international? Yes, worldwide!


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CrazyPolishLady
Blog: http://vernizolicaanonima.blogspot.pt/p/crazy-polish-lady-handmade-nailpolish.html
Store: https://www.facebook.com/CrazyPolishLady (to order just send private message)
Stockists: http://meimeisignatures.com/
Instagram: @Sophy_di

Memories in Colors Collection 

 2nd Collection

I love Disney Classics so much! *_* Thank you Sophie for this nostalgic collection! <3 
Eu adoro ... amo... os clássicos da Disney.. um especial obrigado à Sofia pela linda nostalgia que esta colecção nos dá <3 

For all colors:
1 coat of Mollon Express Repair Base coat

2-3 coats of Nail Polish
1 coat of Mollon Fast Dry Top Coat.
All polishes are 3free and sold in 15mL bottles. The bottle is round with a black cap an the brush is long and smooth, great to apply. All polishes dried in around 5mins. 

I have this polishes for over 3 weeks now, on my helmer, and none of them decanted. 

Under the Sea

Inspired in the Little Mermaid movie and song:

Under the sea is a gorgeous glitter polish with a mint green base color and filled with white, teal and green glitters in several shapes and sizes. It took me 2-3 coats for full opacity (some nails only took 2 coats) of the nail. The base color has a medium hight pigmentation and the perfect amount of glitter, making the application easy as the color closes fast enough and the glitters spread nice and evenly. Drying time was around 5mins for 3coats. 1 coat of Mollon Fast Dry Top Coat. 
O Under the Sea (no fundo do mar) é um lindíssimo verniz glitter com cor base verde mentol. O verde mentol, como sabem, é uma cor que me está no coração e foi o primeiro que testei. Teve de ser também o primeiro a aparecer! A cor base tem uma pigmentação média alta sendo que foram necessárias 2-3 camadas (dependeu da unha) para total opacidade da unha. A cor fechou às duas camadas, a terceira foi dada para efeitos de nivelamento e homogeinização do glitter. A porporção de glitter é bastante boa, sendo que o verniz é composto por várias formas e tamanhos de glitter branco, teal e verde mentol. Os Glitters espalham-se bastante bem, tornando a aplicação muito simples.  Tempo de secagem de cerca de 5mins para 3 camadas. 1 camada de Mollon Fast Dry top coat. 

Cinderella Shoe
The only top coat in the collection http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWt2Udoy1uQ

This is my VERY FAVORITE DISNEY MOVIE EVER! I know the whole movie, all the lines, by memory! I still knock on the doors like she knocks on her stepmother's room door!LOL .. just sayin'..

Cinderella Shoe is the top coat glitter of this collection! The only one with a clear base and the best one for layering! SO .. for you girls..here is Cinderella Shoe layered over several colors from Bottega Verde so that you can see how it looks. This is a top coat glitter polish composed of small hexagonal white glitters and very fine holographic shimmer. I applied ONE coat over every color and it dried in around 3-4mins. I have not applied any top coat in this polish so that you could see how shinny this is ! I'm very proud of you Sophie :D <3 
O Cinderella Shoe é o glitter top coat desta coleccção. É o unico com glitters numa suspensão incolor. O verniz é composto por pequenos hexagonos brancos e um fino shimmer holografico. Devido à base transparente, é perfeito para fazer layering, sendo que é muito versatil. Apliquei-o sobre vários tons de verniz cremoso da Bottega Verde para que vissem como resulta sobre vários tons. Não foi aplicado top coat sobre este verniz, como podem ver tem um brilho próprio muito bonito. Cerca de 4mins de tempo de secagem! Adorei! Estou orgulhosa de ti Leide Sophe! 

A whole new world
Inspired in Aladdin movie and song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BqGTb4ZFAS8

This is the Aladin polish! Hmmm is this the polish for Aladin or Jasmin ? Hmm Its so pretty I bet Aladin would use it! LOL!
A whole new world is the blue of the collection! It is composed of several sizes of hexagonal glitter in blue, green and red with a super creamy light blue base color. It took 2-3 coats for full opacity of the nail. All glitters came out homogeneously and spread evenly! Great! Dried in 4-5 mins. 1 coat of Mollon Fast Dry Top Coat. 

Eis o verniz do Aladino.. será que  é para o Aladino ou para a Jasmin? Eu acho que ele é tão bonito que até o Aladino o iria usar!
O A Whole New World é o azulinho da colecção! É composto por vários glitters hexagonais em tons de azul, verde e vermelho sobre uma cor base azul clarinha muito cremosa. Todos os glitters sairam bem do frasquinho, homogeneamente e aplicaram-se na unha uniformemente. Foram necessarias 2-3 camadas para opacidade total da unha sendo que o tempo de secagem não excedeu os 5mis.  1 camada do Mollon Fast dry top coat. 

Colors Of the Wind

Inspired in Pocahontas movie and song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xbuzskVs6rc

The pink from this collection.. this polish remembers me of when Pocahontas has lots os gorgeous leaves flying around her.. *_*
This is a pink gelish polish filled with several sizes of hexagonal glitter in blue, red, purple and blue. All the glitters are very well balanced in quantity and they all spread nice and evenly in the nail in 2-3 coats. The drying time does not exceed 4-5mins. I applied one coat of Mollon Fast Dry Top coat on top. 
Eis o rosinha da colecção  É um rosão lindíssimo! Só me faz lembrar a cena em que a Pocahontas tem imensas folhas lindas a voar à volta dela!
O verniz é um rosa gelly repleto de vários tamanhos de glitter hexagonal em tons de azul, roxo, verde e vermelho. Todos os glitters estão em proporções muito bem equilibradas na fórmula e aplicam-se de modo homogéneo na unha em 2-3 camadas que secam em cerca de 5-6 mins. No final apliquei uma camada do Mollon Fast Dry Top Coat. 

Hakuna Matata

Inspired in The Lion King movie and song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6vLAa-kylM

Hakuna Matata is one of the most fun songs of my generation Disney movies! This is a vibrant dark orange/red polish filled with  a mix of colorful  glitters and shimmer in lots of colors!! 
Once again the glitters spread nice and evenly and it covered the nail with 2-3coats. Drying time again around 5-6mins. 1 Coat of Mollon Fast Dry Top coat in the end. 

heheheh A música Hakuna Matata é uma das musicas de filme mais divertidas da minha geração Disney! Este é um verniz único, vibrante, com uma cor base laranja escuro avermelhado e repleto de glitter hexagonal e shimmer coloridíssimo composto de modo muito bonito e equilibrado. Os glitters espalham-se todos na unha de modo fácil e homogéneo sendo a secagem de cerca de 5-6mins. No final apliquei uma camada de Mollon Fast Dry Top Coat. 

Inspired in Mulan movie and song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g5jhxvQySRg

Last but not the least.. For Mulan we have  the adorable purple from this collection and trip to nostalgia land! This is a cream violet polish filled with a mix of colorful hexagonal glitter and fine shimmer in an adorable combo. Application was very easy, the glitters spread nice and evenly and took 2-3 coats to cover the nail. Drying time around 5mins. One coat of Mollon Fast Dry top coat to finish .
Por último deixo-vos com o mais adorável verniz da colecção. O Reflection, baseado no Filme da Mulan é um lindíssimo e adorável glitter com uma cor base violeta cremosa, repleta de um mix colorido de glitter hexagonal e micro shimmer também num mix arco-íris.  2-3 camadas para opacidade total da unha com um tempo de secagem de cerca de 5 mins. A quantidade de glitter dos vários tons é bastante equilibrada sendo que na aplicação se verifica uma distribuição muito homogénea das cores. Uma camada e Mollon Fast Dry Top Coat para finalizar. 

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Personal Notes from Betty:
IM SO PROUD OF SOFIA! I'm so proud of this Portuguese Indie Maker! The polishes are beautiful, original,  well made and with great formulas! Its was a pleasure to swatch and wear them! I wish Sophie the best of Lucks! 
Once again I  show my total support for Indie Makers and my full respect for their work.
I will not translate the interviews because words and meanings get lost in translation. I hope you understand. Please pm me or comment bellow if you have any doubts. 
If you are an Indie Maker and wont to participate in the project, please contact me through Facebook or email (blog.bettynails@gmail.com). You are still in time! 
Don't Forget to come tomorrow ! 

Crazy Polish Lady - 1st Collection

Crazy Polish Lady At Mei's Signatures

Crazy Polish Lady 3rd Collection - 
Coming Soon, please stay tuned! 

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I hope you loved today's Post!
What was your favorite part? Let me know all in the comment section bellow! 
 Please do comment, follow and share if  you liked, your feedback is very important to me and to all the girls that invested in this project!
Kisses & See you tomorrow !

*This is a post for the Guide A-Z :Indie Brands*
You can find all the info in the Guide A-Z Indie Brands Page,on the top of the Blog, or check  the Indie Guide Tag
*pictures taken from Crazy Polish Lady Facebook Page with Sofia's Permission*