
11 Jun 2012

Mint Green [Wet n Wild]

Hi girls, how are you?!
Today I'm showing you this gorgeous mint green polish that Cristina from Clockwisenailpolish blog gave e for my birthday!

Olá a tod@s!
Hoje mostro-vos um verde mentol lindissimo que a Cristina do blog Clockwisenailpolish me ofereceu nos anos!

About the polish:
Sobre o verniz:

This is a gorgeous mint green polish from my mint green nail polish collection (here). This polish has an amazing wide brush and a very consistent formula. Its pretty thick but very easy to work with. I applied two coats for full opacity. Drying time is pretty good, 2-3min without topcoat. On my Ring finger I applied Layla Holo Effect 06 Mermaid Spell - 2 coats. All pictures bellow are with top coat (Purple Super Dry).

Este verniz é mais um lindo verde mentol da minha modesta colecção de verdes mentol (aqui). A formula deste menino é bastante consistente e grossa mas é bastante fácil de aplicar. Duas camadas para opacidade total. O tempo de secagem é médio alto, 2-3minutos sem topcoat. No dedo anelar apliquei o Layla Hologram Effect 06 Mermaid Spell  ( 2 camadas). Todas as fotos abaixo têm top coat já aplicado ( Purple Super Dry). 

Do you own any of this brands and this polishes?! 
Let me know your adventures with them!!

Têm alguma destas marcas e/ou vernizes?!
Contem-me as vossas peripécias com eles!!

Hope you enjoyed today's post !
 See you soon,
Espero que tenham gostado !
  Até breve,

1 comment:

  1. No, I don't have any adventures with them :-(
    This share of green is really gorgeous! I do like when polishes are consistent but nice to apple.
    Have a nice day!
    Esmalte, Makeup e Cia
