
17 May 2012

Gradient Nails Purple Pink

Hi you all !
First  I'm sorry if i keep saying girls as I know I have a couple boys reading my post, I do promise I'll try to be fair to you all! <3
Today I'm showing you an inspired manicure.
This is a pastel gradient manicure I saw featured in two blogs I follow almost daily: 
The Nailasaurus and The Swatchaholic

Olá a todos!
Antes de mais.. eu sei que custumo referir-me quase sempre às leitoras femininas mas como sei que tenho alguns vários meninos a seguir-me vou ter mesmo atenção! Sorryy! <3
Hoje mostro-vos uma manicure inspirada em outras bloggers. São elas:

The colors were both from Purple Profissional (all brand posts here) . Brand New nr36, from their 2nd series (see collection here) and nr2 from their 1st series.
As cores são ambas da marca Purple Profissional (all posts here). O novíssimo violeta nr36 da 2ªsérie de cores (aqui as 3 novas cores) e o nr.2 da primeira série de cores. 

Here is the base color:
Eis a cor base:

Purple Professional  nr. 36

Two coats.
2 min drying time.
Brush: Flawless.
If you have read the last posts I've done you know how much I am in love with the brush.

Sponging / Esponjado 

Note: The Bubbles you may see in the nails are NOT from the polish but from my sponge doing the effect.
Nota: As bolhas que possam ver na manicure NÃO são do verniz mas sim da minha esponjinha a fazer este efeito.

2nd color: Purple Professional Nr.2

How to:

Apply your base color and let it dry.
In a piece of foil place a couple of drops of both the base color and the secondary color next to each other.
Mix slightly the place were they meet. Put your sponge on all that mixture and apply it to your nail. Voilá! 1st gradiente coat. Let it dry and redo this steps until you are satisfied with the result.

Como fazer:

Aplicar  a cor base e deixar secar.

Num pedaço de papel de alúminio deitar algumas gotas das cores a usar, lado a lado de modo a que as fronteiras se toquem.
Com cuidado mexer ( swirls) o local onde se tocam. Usar a esponja para transferir a cor / as cores para a unha e aplicar com pequenas pancadinhas na unha. Deixar secar a primeira camada de gradiente e voltar a fazer tantas quantas as necessárias até obter o efeito pretendido!

Hope you enjoyed today's post !
 See you soon 

 Espero que tenham gostado 
 Até breve

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