
15 Dec 2011

#News: Leite de Colónia!

#News Leite de Colónia

Super news! I'm so excited! I was dying to show you this! My loves sings this song to me since I can remember!! 

Estou super super contente por vos mostrar isto! Lembro-me de ouvir a minha mãe cantar isto desde sempre!

Meninas.. lembram-se das nossas avós/mães cantarem a música do Leite de colónia????

         'De colónia é o leite, que você deve usar, leite de colónia..para a beleza realçarrr!"

Poisé.. muitas de vocês já devem ter ouvido e visto que a marca está de volta e em força com imensos produtos deliciosos para nós!
Estou super empolgada com a possibilidade de vos mostrar e contar o que penso de cada um dos novos produtos!

Ouçam aqui o famoso e intemporal slogan da marca:

Vou fazer um post mais completo brevemente!
Estejam atentas!

For my foreign readers here is the explanation: .. there is a Portuguese  brand that goes back to our grandmothers/mothers times and it had/has  one of the most amazing radio commercials of all times. The brand name is 'Leite de Colónia' . This is something like a face tonic / lotion that looks like milk.
The think is, the product is back and with lots of new stuff. 
I'm glad and super excited to to tell you that I'll be reviewing each and everyone of the new products soon!

Here is the famous radio commercial! You have to check it out! It says something like 'If you want to show all your beauty you must use this milky lotion'.

I'll be making soon a post about this! Stay tuned!

See you soon!


  1. I do remember this product. Here in Brazil, we still see these bottles in all perfume shops! There is Leite de Rosas, and Leite de Colônia. I didn't know that they were sold in Portugal, too. I thought it was something very local, rsrsrsr..
    I supposed you've seen my blog's new layout. Moreover, from today on, the posts will be bilingual, yeah, like yours! I have had some readers who can't read Portuguese, and my students who wish getting to know more about another kind of vocabulary.
    Hope to see you there, and your review for me is really important =D
    Bjs *
    Esmaltes, Make-Up & Cia.

  2. Oláa minha queriida! ^^
    Confesso qe nunca tinha ouvido falar ! =O =$



  3. Oh...eu não lembro da marca...tenho que ouvir o slogan (aqui não consigo) pode ser que me desperte qualquer coisa no fundinho do cerebro...lolol


  4. @Antónia: Hii! We had this product here in portugal in 1970's.. 1980s.. Now they are back and with a new design! I cant wait to test them!
    Yes I've seen your new layout! Super cool you have it bilingual!
    Thanks for the kind words! Kiss*

  5. @escutaessa: Oi!! Obrigado! Vouu passar lá sim!

  6. @Caaty: Olá Caty! Poisé normal, és muito novinha, ja´tinham desaparecido!! =D

  7. @Gabi: Olá!! Muito obrigado! É sempre bom ler estes comentários! Beijinhos

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. @Candy: Olá menina, está boazinha? Tens mesmooooooo que ouvir, aposto que te vais lembrar, é um must!! =D
