
1 Nov 2011

#All About News: ZOYA's New Collection Just Annouced*

#Today's News#
   *Zoya's Newn Collection*

So I just heard that Zoya had a collection coming out soon. 
Acabei de saber que vai ser lançada uma colecção nova da Zoya.

Here's what the press release said:

* Zoya's Nail Polish 

 New Collection Just Announced *

Six full-coverge winter cream neutrals

FEEL Beautiful!
Every season the color experts at Zoya create dozens of new color collection options. This
year, one of those “secret collections” just had to be seen now rather than later. FEEL by Zoya
Nail Polish delivers six new, highly pigmented, full coverge neutrals for right now!

Zoya FEEL Collection

·   Kristen (ZP591): Full coverage, gull gray cream
·   Carey (ZP592): Full coverage, periwinkle gray cream
·   Megan (ZP593): Full coverage, taupe gray cream
·   Kendal (ZP594): Full coverage, rose quartz beige cream
·   Kennedy (ZP595): Full coverage, pale french beige cream
·   Avery (ZP596): Full coverage, blonde beige cream

Zoya is the new color of fashion...

Ultra long-wearing, glossy nail lacquers by Zoya are free of harmful industrial chemicals like toluene, camphor, formaldehyde, resin, dibutyl phthalate (DBP) that are known to cause cancer and birth defects.

FEEL by Zoya
Sug. Retail $8.00 per 0.5 fl.oz. bottle (US)

Available November 15, 2011. 

* * * * * * *

Personal Considerations:
Opiniões pessoais:

Its not very common to find this brand here in Portugal, besides getting it from Ebay or International Swaps. Do you have many Zoyas? What do you think of them?  Where do you usualy by them?

About the colors there is nothing new, just following the nude trend, pretty nude colors though. Basic colors are always a must have. Just in case :p

Não é muito comumm encontrar esta marca aqui em Portugal, a nao ser que se encomende do Ebay ou através de alguma troquinha internacional. E vocês? Têm muitos Zoyas? Onde os custumam comprar?

Quanto às cores, não há nada de novo, são cores a seguir a tendência nude. São muito bonitas e como são cores básicas acabam por ser um must have. :p


  1. i have to order zoya, i have heard great things about them but have never had one

  2. Tal como tu não conheço... e realmente estas cores são nude... mas lindas
    Bjs grandes

  3. @Cotton: Yes, like me, I'm thinking about ordering too. Still deciding on the colors

    @Luisa, Pois são, e eu nao sou muito de nudes! Beijinho =*

  4. As cores são lindas!
